Pecha Kucha Night 22 | Call For Presenters
It’s that time again! Edmonton’s NextGen is currently accepting presentation submissions for Pecha Kucha Night 22 to be held on June 11, 2015 in Louise McKinney Park. It’s outdoors – come rain or come shine. And this is Edmonton so maybe pack a blanket to sit on AND an umbrella, just in case!
This is the opportunity you’ve been waiting for! That inspiring idea you’ve been excited about needs to be shared at the next Pecha Kucha, with 500 of Edmonton’s most supportive and engaged young people. Since starting, we’ve seen more than 200 presentations covering a wide range of topics. To see some of our past presenters, check out these recap blog posts from Pecha Kucha 19 and 20.
We know you’re interested, so submit your amazing idea to us using our super convenient online form. The submission deadline is May 14 and selection process will happen in the following week. And while you’re waiting to hear back from us, you can prepare yourself by checking out our 10 steps to a great Pecha Kucha presentation.
What is Pecha Kucha?
Drawing its name from the Japanese term for “the sound of chit chat”, Pecha Kucha Night was devised by Tokyo’s Klein Dytham Architecture in February 2003 as a venue for young designers to meet, network, exchange ideas and discuss their work in public. It rests on a presentation format that is based on a simple idea: 20 images, each shown for 20 seconds, for a total presentation length of six minutes and 40 seconds. Why this format you ask? It keeps presentations concise, fast-paced and entertaining.
For more information, visit