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The Edmontonian – May 11 Headlines

Once you see robins you know spring is here.

Good morning, Edmonton.

The Edmonton Public School Board is trying to pressure the provincial government into more funding, by prioritizing older schools. The province has recently been building new schools, so this shift of priorities increases the line in the sand the new school board trustees have been drawing after years of school closures.

Sticking with education…Could a slim education budget be to blame for cuts to a special needs program at Avonmore School? Could it be due to enrollment (which is a similar reason so many schools have recently closed in Edmonton)? Either way, it means special needs cuts.

Before you click through to this story on University of Alberta students borrowing money to go to school I want you to guess how much money, in total, the students at the U of A borrowed in 2010-2011. Alright, now that you’ve got a number in mind, head on through… (when you come back let me know if you were close to the actual figure)

It’s going to cost the City $15 to run your name when you get a parking ticket. But the fines will likely go up more than $15 very soon.

Alright, now let’s head downtown! (more…)