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Pecha Kucha

Tokyo’s Klein Dytham Architecture first devised Pecha Kucha, the Japanese phrase for the sound of chitchat in 2003, as a night for young designers to meet, network, and discuss their projects. The catch: each designer gave a presentation containing only 20 images, each shown for 20 seconds, for a total presentation length of six minutes 40 seconds. These constraints challenged presenters to clarify their ideas and match each thought with the perfect image.


Since then, Pecha Kucha Nights are held by a global community of over 400 cities and the presenters have become just as diverse. Pecha Kucha is a grown-up “show and tell”. The presentations allow the audience to learn, expand their perspectives, and leave the night with something new on their mind. It’s food for thought.

PKNX is coming up on June 17, you can find more information about the theme, and how to sign up to be a presenter here!

For more information about Pecha Kucha, visit the international Pecha Kucha site or contact us.