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WHAT IS DIYalogue?

Have you ever had one of those  moments? You know, when you finally figure out what you want to be when you grow up, or you find that hobby or special interest that you’ve always been interested in but just couldn’t put your finger on how to find out more about it?


Enter: DIYalogue! *loud cheering ensues!*

Powered by the Ignite team from Edmonton’s NextGen, DIYalogue is your matchmaker. Your connector. Your networking guru.

Carlie Sherman DIY Jan

We like stuff. And we know you guys like stuff too. But did you also know that Edmonton is full of some pretty amazing innovators, movers and shakers who are experts on all sorts of stuff? They like it so much that they want to share their knowledge with all of you crazy, cool and interesting people who want to get to know a little bit more about all of the amazing niche markets in our city.

DIYalogue hooks you up with gamers, restauranteurs, amateur athletes, brewmasters, crafters, bakers, candlestick makers – and anything in between. You guys get to chat, have a laugh and share ideas. Ever wanted to ask a local yogi for some business tips so you can run your own studio? Or maybe talk to local micro-brewery to find out how you can get your own mix started?  We create a speed-meeting environment, sort of like a speed-date. Minus the awkwardness.

Toscha Rebecca DIY Jan

All we need from you, Edmonton – is you! Come out for some eats, some drinks and some really cool people. Because you can do anything you want to do, and we can help!

Make sure to follow NextGen on Twitter @EdmNextGen and also like us on Facebook to stay connected with all of the great events coming up this summer.