In a city well known for only having two seasons (winter and kinda winter), it takes a lot of effort on our part as Edmontonians to make sure we look good when we leave the house in the blowing snow in the morning , to when we get home at the end of the day and it’s +25C in the shade.
Enter: A formidable force of creative prowess, industrious genius, and just some all around awesome folks who substantially contribute to the distinct vibrancy of our city. That’s right, Edmonton’s fashion industry wants to hang out with YOU, you fashionable cat, you. Edmonton’s NextGen presents: DIYalogue Talks Fashion, the next of the 15 minute speed-mentoring sessions that connect you with your community.

Join us on Tuesday, June 25th from 7:00-9:00pm at the ATB Financial Arts Barns (formerly known as the TransAlta Arts Barns), and connect with some of Edmonton’s leading players in our local fashion community. We’ve got a great line up of mentors, so check ‘em out below:
- Kendall Barber – Co-Founder of Poppy Barley Footwear |
- Caroline Gault – Alberta Editor for FASHION Magazine |
- Laurie Callsen – Vintage Fashion Blogger |
- Alisha Schick – Designer, Suka Clothing |
- Julie Morrison – Designer, Majesty Inc. |
- Kathleen Todoruk – Owner & Designer, Todoruk Designs (Couture Clothing Design) |
- Sandra Fernandez – Founder, Western Canadian Fashion Week |
- Michelle Houle – Model, Phabrik Model + Artist Management | PHABRIK Model + Artist Management
- Michael Meneghetti – Agency Director, Mode Models Edmonton |
- Maggie Walt – Retailer/Designer, Maggie Walt Design |
- Kyla Kazeil & Stacey Boruk – Owners, The Bamboo Ballroom |
- Jessica Halabi – Designer, Jessica Halabi Fashion |
- Janis Galloway – Founder, Dress Me Dearly |
- Kalie Johnston – Designer |
- Andrea Wong, Heather Speers & Robyn Currie , Master Recyclers
- Kelly Bula, Davines Freelance Artist, prior owner YESS Hair Salon
- Robyn Currie, Andrea Wong & Heather Speers, Clothing Swap Master Recyclers
- Amanda Diaz, Fashion Photographer
- Featuring Girls Club DJs and their vintage fashion line, Heirloom Vintage
We’re pretty sure that amazing line up is the only reason you’ll need to grab some tickets and head down with your friends to connect with some of our best and brightest fashionistas, models and local talent.
Advanced ticket for this event ($8 + fees) can be bought online or in person at the Pawn Shop (10551 Whyte Ave) and the Avenue Theatre (9030 – 118 Ave). Tickets will also be available at the door for $10 (cash only).
What’s more, is that by attending our events, you’re also supporting local talent and you know how much we love local talent over here at Edmonton’s NextGen. (hint: A LOT!)
Don’t forget to like and follow us on Facebook for mentor updates and some other cool surprises that we might throw your way closer to the event, and as always – The Twitter! – @EdmNextGen.
Can’t wait to see you guys on June 25th for a night of couture, Go-See-crets, glamour and FUN!
tagged with community, DIY, DIYalogue, edmonton, entrepeneur, Event, fashion, livelocal, summer, talent, yeg
Edmonton’s NextGen presents Pecha Kucha Night 16 | Sweet 16 on Thursday, June 13, 2013 at the Citadel’s Maclab Theatre. Tickets are on sale now via the Citadel Box Office, charge by phone at 780-425-1820 or online. Tickets are $15 for students (with I.D.) and $17 for adults (plus taxes). Doors and bar open at 6:30 pm, with presentations beginning at 7:30 pm.
PKN 16 features presentations on local ideas, projects and musings in the 20 slides at 20 seconds per slide format made popular by worldwide by Klein Dytham Architecture. More than 150 presentations have been given at Edmonton Pecha Kucha Nights to date on wide-ranging topics, from lighting up Edmonton’s bridges to in vitro meat and everything in between.
PKN 16 Presentations include:
- Emerson Csorba – Co-Founder, Smart | Make Something for Single Mothers
- Myles Curry – Marketing Coordinator, Waste Management Services at the City of Edmonton | Grasscycling & Community Based Social Marketing
- Mark Connolly – Host, CBC News Edmonton | Downtown Story
- Dan Jacob – Co-Founder, Urban Pulse | The Future of Civic Engagement
- Andrew Whistance-Smith – Sculptor of Teeth, Ardent Dental Centre | What’s In A Smile?
- Alistar Henning & Gary Garrison | McCauley Then and Now
- Anna McRobbie – Co-Founder, Mosaic Minds | Open Space Technology & Unconferences.
- Mara Erickson – Communications Director, Operation Grassland Community| Conservation Caravan: Going Beyond the BBQ
- Matthew Stepanic – Editor, Glass Buffalo Literary Magazine | Mythic Power
- Kuen Tang – Teacher, Graphic Designer, Comic Book Letterer, Adventurer | The Ha Ling Project
*Presenters are listed in the order in which they will appear.
Edmonton’s NextGen is proud to partner with Guru Digital Arts College on a unique video projection art installation designed especially for PKN 16. Famoso Neapolitan Pizzeria also returns with gift cards for all ticket holders.
Join the conversation on Twitter and Instagram using the hashtag #yegpkn.
PKN 16 is sponsored by: Capital Power Corporation, City of Edmonton, Famoso Neapolitan Pizzeria, Graphos, Klein Dytham and Northlands.

tagged with Citadel Theatre, June 13, Pecha Kucha, Pecha Kucha 16, PKN, PKN 16, Presentations, Presenters
Edmonton’s NextGen presents Pecha Kucha Night 16 | Sweet 16 on Thursday, June 13, 2013 at the Citadel’s Maclab Theatre. Tickets are on sale now via the Citadel Box Office, charge by phone at 780-425-1820 or online. Tickets are $15 for students (with I.D.) and $17 for adults (plus taxes). Doors and bar open at 6:30 pm, with presentations beginning at 7:30 pm.
PKN 16 features presentations on local ideas, projects and musings in the 20 slides at 20 seconds per slide format made popular by worldwide by Klein Dytham Architecture. More than 150 presentations have been given at Edmonton Pecha Kucha Nights to date on wide-ranging topics, from lighting up Edmonton’s bridges to in vitro meat and everything in between.
Edmonton’s NextGen is proud to partner with Guru Digital Arts College on a unique video projection art installation designed especially for PKN 16. Famoso Neapolitan Pizzeria also returns with gift cards for all ticket holders.
Join the conversation on Twitter and Instagram using the hashtag #yegpkn.
Deadline for PKN 16 presentation submissions is May 17, 2013. Interested applicants should read the 10 steps to a great Pecha Kucha presentation and then email their presentation submission to .
PKN 16 is sponsored by: Capital Power Corporation, City of Edmonton, Famoso Neapolitan Pizzeria, Graphos, Klein Dytham and Northlands.

tagged with Citadel Theatre, June 13, Pecha Kucha, Pecha Kucha Night 16, PKN, Sweet 16, Tickets