What is Pecha Kucha Night?

Drawing its name from the Japanese term for “the sound of chit chat”, Pecha Kucha Night was devised in Tokyo in February 2003 as a venue for young designers to meet, network, exchange ideas and show their work in public.

It rests on a presentation format that is based on a simple idea: 20 images x 20 seconds for a total presentation time of 6 minutes and 40 seconds. The images advance automatically and you talk along to the images.


PKN Events

For Pecha Kucha Night 27, Edmonton's NextGen is teaming up with Winter Cities Shake-Up 2017 for a celebration of all things winter! It's going down Thursday, February 16, 2017 at the Shaw Conference Centre. From winterized urban planning and ideas for shaking the cold to chilly travel stories, there's something for everyone!

Still need convincing? Check out the lineup!

Michele Perret | Making Minus Positive in a YEG Winter

Mandy Johnson | #BikeAllWinter

Darren Proulx | Using Snow to Build a Better City

Glenn Kubish | Inside Coffee Outside

Emma Sanborn | Life in Luleå

Matt Roper | Winter River Pavilions

Susan Yackulic | Nordic Walking: The Perfect Winter City Outdoor Activity

Shafraaz Kaba | Re-Imagine the Arts District for Edmonton's Winter Nights

Michael Glazier | Commuting in Winter: The Experiment

Kairi Pawlick | Choose Your Winter



Presenting at Pecha Kucha Night

Are you looking for an opportunity to present your ideas to an audience of hundreds of engaged and creative Edmontonians? Then Pecha Kucha is the right venue for you!  More than 250 presentations have been given to date on wide-ranging topics, from professional online gaming to lighting up Edmonton's bridges and everything in between.

The submission form is always open. Have an idea? Send it our way and we'll work to get you on stage at an upcoming PKN!


Submission details:

When submitting your application, you'll be asked to include: your name, email address, position title and organization, phone number, website and/or Twitter handle, a title and abstract for your presentation, as well as a minimum of 6 sample images that match what you want to share. Images must be sized to 1024 x 768 px in landscape orientation. Low resolution results in grainy, lower-quality images when projected on our large screens. 

One of our volunteers will contact you to confirm that we've received your application and advise you on next steps. 

Still have a questions? Send us an email at . 

10 steps to a great presentation

We want your presentation to be great, so we've put together a little list of things to consider that you might find helpful.

1: Choose an original and engaging topic that you're passionate about. Self-promotion is out and creative ideas are in. Our audiences respond well to passionate people speaking on concepts and ideas, rather than selling a product, experience or point of view.

2: You only have 20 images, so choose them wisely. Don't worry about a title slide; we take care of that for you with a PKN intro slide that includes your name and presentation title.

3: If possible, create your images to be in landscape orientation to maximize the use of the screen.

4: Reference your images! If they're your own, even better.

5: Resize your images to 1024 x 768 px. Again, we can't stress enough that this is landscape orientation.

6: Please don't include text and multi-images on one slide.

7: Match your topic/speech to each image. You only have 20 seconds per image and the presentation automatically moves to the next image, so choose your words wisely!

8: Keep it casual and conversational - there is no lectern. 

9: Watch Travis Sheridan's presentation about how to give a good Pecha Kucha presentation.   

10: Keep in mind that Pecha Kucha presentations are all about ideas and those ideas allow the audience to learn, expand their perspectives, and leave the night with something new in their mind.

For additional help, check out some frequently asked questions or the Pecha Kucha Daily Blog.  

