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NextGen Speaks Out | March Theme announcement

March’s NextGen Speaks Out! theme will be community.


Community is such a large part of our lives. We are all part of many smaller and intersecting communities. We gather together based on region (like our nieghbourhood or city), around a shared interest (like sports, religion, or comic books), or for other reasons (like work or cultural). Sometimes you will be active in your communities and other times you’ll just be a member of that community. What can you learn from others in your community circles? What can you contributeThis month we’ll be bringing you posts focused around this idea and hope you look forward to reading and sharing your thoughts on the ideas presented by our guest bloggers.


We also want you to engage in discussion. Come on nextgener’s we know you have opinions and thoughts on these themes too. We’d love for you to comment, start a discussion, and share these posts with your networks.

Check back weekly as we will be adding new NextGen Speaks Out! posts regularly. We’re looking forward to it and hope you do too!


NextGen Speaks Out, our guest blogging series, is envisioned as a hub for information and discussion. NextGen is a non-political, non-denominational organization focused on giving all nextgeners a voice. NextGen does not represent the opinions expressed by the individual columnists.