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Pecha Kucha Night 16 Wrap-Up

PKN 16 Poster

NextGen’s PKN organizing committee presented Pecha Kucha Night 16 on Thursday, June 13 at the Citadel’s Maclab Theatre with presentations ranging from the art of a smile to climbing a mountain and everything in between.

Edmonton’s NextGen was proud to partner with Guru Digital Arts College on a unique video projection art installation designed especially for PKN 16 and Famoso Neapolitan Pizzeria returned with gift cards for all ticket holders. PKN 16 also featured music by DJ Kris Harvey and photography by Fophotography.

A special thanks to all our sponsors:

  • Capital Power Corporation
  • City of Edmonton
  • Famoso Neapolitan Pizzeria
  • Graphos
  • Klein Dytham and
  • Northlands

Thank you to all of our generous prize donors, the energetic organizing committee, the outstanding presenters, and the attentive audience of over 500!

The next Pecha Kucha will be on Saturday, October 5, 2013. Watch our website, newsletter and facebook for more information, or follow us on twitter @EdmNextGen using the hashtag #yegpkn
