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Tag Archives: Ignite

Ignite presents Ideas for Edmonton

Ignite presents Ideas for Edmonton, a crowd funding model with a twist! Community members who are passionate about making Edmonton a better place to live are encouraged to post their project on the Ideas for Edmonton website – backers throw their support for projects with votes rather than donations. Edmonton’s NextGen, and a host of sponsors, kick-in the financial backing with $10,000 in funding available.

“Have you ever wanted to make a difference in your community but didn’t know where to start? You are not alone,” says Sherman Tsang, Ignite Co-Chair. “Ideas for Edmonton is a local social incubator, a tool to help turn thoughts into actions. Any city resident, looking to make Edmonton a better place to live, can submit a single idea that could be turned into reality!” is an easy-to-use on-line portal where the public can register ideas, search out interesting projects, discuss opportunities and cast votes.

Voting is tallied in three ways:

  • A single vote is counted when an individual comments on an idea (a single vote per user, not per comment);
  • A single vote is counted when an individual clicks on the +1 Give Vote link on an idea page;
  • Two votes are counted when an individual clicks on the +2 Give Time link on an idea page.
  •  Individuals that click this option will be contacted by NextGen following the competition to connect with fellow voters for potential volunteer opportunities to make a specific project move forward.

Idea submissions and Round 1 votes are accepted until April 21st.  The top 10 ideas, as calculated by total votes, will go on to Round 2 where a panel of judges will select one or two ideas to receive funding, volunteer support (as sourced through the +2 Give Time voters) and additional mentoring from established makers in the community. Edmonton’s NextGen is proud to foster the success of a variety of community projects and lend its planning expertise to the winning projects. Final winners will be announced in early May, 2013.


Round 1: Voting

  • March 21st, 2013: Launch, Submissions open for
  • March 22nd, 2013 (Noon): Winners for the Blue Plate Diner gift certificates + New Balance Acupuncture treatment are drawn
  • March 24th, 2013 (11:59PM): Top Voted Idea by this point is automatically selected as 1 of 10 Top Voted Ideas going into Round 2
  • April 21st, 2013 (11:59 PM): Voting Stops, end of Round #1

Round 2: Judging

  • April 23rd, 2013: Top 10 Voted Ideas Announced, Round 2 Forms provided
  • Round 2 Forms to be provided to Top 10 by Ignite. These forms serve as your application for funding and support from Edmonton’s NextGen Ignite. Completed forms must be completed by deadline to qualify for consideration.
  • April 28th, 2013 (11:59 PM): Deadline for filling in Round 2 Forms/Documents
  • May 2nd, 2013: Winner(s) Announced!

Ideas for Edmonton is proud to be a Make Something Edmonton project! #makesomethingyeg = a show & tell of cool projects #ideas4yeg = funding & resources to help make cool projects reality.  Visit our project page at

DIYalogue Talked Quality Play – Thanks!

Thank you to our mentors who shared their knowledge and experience during 15 minute sessions at Edmonton NextGen’s DIYalogue on January 24 at the Billiard Club.

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The theme of the talks was ‘Quality Play’, which was inspired by the worlds of gaming and healthy competition. Participants engaged in conversations with professionals involved in a wide range of fields, including board games, live action role-playing game design and production, yoga, roller derby, and more. The informative evening was a great opportunity to explore creative worlds, network, and gain a new perspective on various activities in the City of Edmonton.

Thank you to everyone who participated and the wonderful community support of our mentors:

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Candice Mann, Director of Administration, E-Ville Roller Derby

Angela Reid, New Skater Liaison, Oil City Roller Derby

Logan Foster, Art Director, Fluik Entertainment 

Trent Oster, Director of Business Development, Beamdog

Skye Boyes, CEO, Founder, XGen Studios

Mike Isaac, Founder, Edmonton Board Gaming League

Chris Samuel, E-Sports Enthusiast

Jeff Vanelle and  Peter Woytiuk, BioWare 

Dawn Lamothe, Yoga Instructor, Lions Breath Yoga and Adventure