Edmonton’s NextGen presents Pecha Kucha Night 12, February 2, 2012, at Metro Cinema at The Garneau (8712 – 109 Street). PKN12 features presentations on local ideas, projects and musings in the 20 slides x 20 second per slide format made popular world-wide by Klein Dytham Architecture. Tickets go on sale on Monday, January 9, at 10:00 a.m. via TIX on the Square; charge by phone at 780.420.1757 or online at
More than 125 presentations have been given at Edmonton Pecha Kucha Nights to-date on wide ranging topics, from professional online gaming to in vitro meat and everything in between. In 2011, Pecha Kucha Global recognized the poster design and accompanying production video from PKNX as one of the Top 20 Pecha Kucha Moments of 2011, thanks in large part to the talented creative efforts of Graphos, a PKN corporate sponsor and Capital Power Corporation, our ongoing sponsor for PKNs.
Tokyo’s Klein Dytham Architecture first devised Pecha Kucha, the Japanese phrase for “the sound of chitchat” in 2003, as a night for young designers to meet, network, and discuss their projects. The catch: each designer gives a presentation containing only 20 images, each shown for 20 seconds, for a total presentation length of six minutes 40 seconds. Conceived as a venue through which young designers could meet, show their work, exchange ideas, and network, the format keeps presentations concise, fast-paced and entertaining.
A first for Pecha Kucha Nights in Edmonton, PKN12 features live music from Kevin Marsh and Jill Roszell.
Doors and bar open at 6:30 p.m.; with presentations beginning at 7:30 p.m. Tickets are $9 for students and $11 for adults, plus services charges, and go on sale January 9, 2012, at TIX on the Square.
Our spiffy Pecha Kucha Night 12 poster, designed by the team at Graphos, is available as a FREE download for your desktop, iPad, and iPhone: Thanks for helping us spread the word about PKN12!